Obituary: Gloria Lucille Ohmer Nov. 24, 1925 - July 18, 2023

Gloria Ohmer truly never gave up on life; her body simply gave out. She crossed over Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m, July 18... at 801 Sandy Beach Road... surrounded by family.

With her Birthday-to-Eternity, we're sure that there was a grand reunion on the OtherSide with all the many who have gone before her.

In her 97-and-a-half years, she made a huge impact in so many ways... with family, friends, friends of friends, chance acquaintances, employees, partners, and more... who all became friends. Her love remains in all the lives she touched. We have long said that "Hospitality was her middle name," and throughout her life she shared generously, being a helping hand, a soft place to land, a home-away-from-home, a light forward for so many. We'll miss her forever.

Her impact within the community, of that statewide, nationally, and internationally was much; she lived a rich life in what she created, sustained, and shared. She was a much accomplished woman... and again... she will be missed in some ways we don't yet even know.

The CELEBRATON of LIFE... with a full Catholic Mass and followed by a community gathering on Friday, November 24, 2023... both her Earth Birthday, and this year a party honoring her long and amazing life.


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