News / State Of Alaska

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  • Annual arts festival comes to Coffman Cove Aug. 9-10

    Becca Clark|Jul 25, 2024

    Arts in the Cove festival, formerly known as Arts and Seafood, is scheduled for Aug. 9 and 10 in the old ferry terminal at Coffman Cove. The festival - about 40 boat miles southwest of Wrangell on Prince of Wales Island - promotes local artisans and features everything from handmade fine art to crafts, soaps, candles, oils, jams, jellies, syrups, fur, seafood, smoked meats and fry bread. The festival also will feature live music and entertainment, along with prize raffles throughout the two...

  • Coast Guard calls off search for trio who went missing flying from Juneau to Yakutat

    Francisco Martinezcuello, Chilkat Valley News|Jul 25, 2024

    The Coast Guard and partner agencies that have been looking for a missing plane bound for Yakutat called off the search late Monday evening. The plane, owned by longtime Haines pilot Sam Wright and carrying Yakutat couple Hans Munich and Tanya Hutchins, stopped emitting its radar signal near Mount Crillon at the southern end of the Fairweather Mountain Range. The three left Juneau on Saturday and were reported overdue that evening. Both Wright and Munich are pilots with decades of experience flying in Southeast Alaska. Coast Guard public...

  • Federal charges: Palmer man who almost caused midair collision said he was 'free citizen' who didn't need pilot license, registration

    Michelle Theriault Boots and Zachariah Hughes|Jul 25, 2024

    A longtime Palmer pilot told federal inspectors that he is a “free citizen” who doesn’t need a government-issued pilot license or aircraft registration, according to prosecutors who have now filed aviation-related criminal charges against him. On July 18, William Marsan was arrested in Palmer and jailed on federal charges of operating a plane without a license, operating an unregistered aircraft and operating a plane displaying a false registration mark. Each of the three charges could bring up to three years in prison and hundreds of thous...

  • Homeless man killed by officers during confrontation in downtown Juneau

    Michelle Theriault Boots, Anchorage Daily News|Jul 18, 2024

    A 35-year-old Juneau man was shot and killed after a confrontation with police and Alaska State Troopers on a busy downtown street Monday afternoon. Officers with the Juneau Police Department were following up on a report of an assault involving Steven Kissack when he “produced a knife and refused to follow orders,” the troopers wrote in a statement online Monday night. An Alaska wildlife trooper and additional Juneau police officers showed up on Front Street around 1 p.m., shooting bean bag rounds at Kissack as they negotiated with him to dro...

  • Inside the U.S. Coast Guard's Aleutian encounter with China's military

    Nathaniel Herz, Northern Journal|Jul 18, 2024

    The Chinese warships weren't showing up on civilian radar. But the American commercial fishing fleet could still tell that something strange was happening in the Aleutian Islands on July 6 and 7. Crew on the fishing vessels picked out a U.S. Coast Guard cutter, the Kimball, steaming through the area at 21 knots, or nearly 25 miles an hour. It turned out the Kimball was in hot pursuit of four Chinese ships, including a destroyer and a guided-missile cruiser. When the Coast Guard cutter...

  • Gov. Dunleavy vetoes millions intended to solve Alaska's federal education funding equity dispute

    Jul 11, 2024

    Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoed the funds state legislators set aside to settle a dispute between Alaska’s education officials and their federal counterparts over whether the state spent pandemic relief equitably. State legislators included $11.89 million in the operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year to allow the state to comply with the federal government’s grant requirements and recover its good standing under federal guidelines. Dunleavy vetoed that money because it is unclear whether or not it will be needed, according to the reason...

  • Workforce shortages and inflation are key challenges for Alaska's small businesses, new survey says

    Barbara Norton|Jul 11, 2024

    Inflation, operating costs and workforce shortages are the most common challenges facing small businesses in Alaska, according to a new survey. The Alaska Small Business Development Center survey tracks small business growth in the state and projects future trends. This is the seventh annual report. Inflation was most frequently cited as the top issue facing Alaska’s small businesses. However, survey respondents identified inflation as an issue for businesses more broadly, rather than an immediate one for their specific business. Only 12% named... Full story

  • Senate president criticizes governor's veto of seafood marketing funds

    alaska beacon|Jul 11, 2024

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoed $10 million in funding for the state agency charged with marketing Alaska seafood, with the message that he would “re-evaluate future funding needs after development of a marketing plan.” That doesn’t make sense to the state Senate president. “Waiting doesn’t help at all,” said Sen. Gary Stevens, from the commercial fishing hub of Kodiak. “It’s a very shortsighted view of the industry. Now is the time to help it out, not to just delay things,” Stevens said last week. The governor vetoed the funding on June 30 as par... Full story

  • New seafood buyer with big plans starts small in Metlakatla

    Anna Laffrey, Ketchikan Daily News|Jul 11, 2024

    An emerging seafood company is preparing to purchase its first loads of pink and chum salmon from a handful of seine boats in Metlakatla this summer while also building a high-tech floating freezer barge at a Washington shipyard that the company plans to operate in Southeast Alaska next year. Circle Seafoods, which was founded by Pat Glaab, Charlie Campbell and Eren Shultz, is renting out a portion of the Metlakatla Indian Community’s Annette Island Packing Co. plant this year while starting up a statewide operation that’s geared at buying and...

  • Alaska Supreme Court reverses homeschool allotment ruling

    CLAIRE STREMPLE|Jul 4, 2024

    Alaska’s Supreme Court justices on Friday reversed a Superior Court ruling that struck down key components of the state’s correspondence school program. Nearly 23,000 homeschool students may continue to use their allotments of state education money to pay for private school tuition until the Anchorage Superior Court reconsiders the case. The Supreme Court made its decision a day after oral arguments in an appeal of the ruling in State of Alaska, Department of Education and Early Development v. Alexander, in which plaintiffs argued that it is...

  • Alaska's Medicaid backlog triggers lawsuit

    CLAIRE STREMPLE, Alaska Beacon|Jun 27, 2024

    On a life-flight from Fairbanks to Anchorage, Sierra Ott’s newborn son Liam would not stop bleeding from a routine needle prick. Doctors in the Anchorage neonatal intensive care unit diagnosed him with a blood clotting disorder. Without medication, he is at risk of extreme joint pain and even bleeding out from what would not normally be serious injuries. Ott said that without health insurance from her husband’s military service, the pills would cost the family about $8,000 a month. At the urging of her case worker, Ott applied for Medicaid for... Full story

  • Peltola bill gives Coast Guard a boost

    Daily Sitka Sentinel Staff|Jun 27, 2024

    The U.S. House of Representatives gave unanimous approval this month to a bill sponsored by Rep. Mary Peltola, D-Alaska, adding the commandant of the Coast Guard as a member of the Defense Department’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. “As the mother to two Coasties, I know how much our Coast Guard sacrifices for our national security, especially in Alaska and the Pacific. This important branch deserves an equal seat at the table,”Peltola said in a press release from her office. “Together, Representative Peltola and I are working with our Republi...

  • Health, food preservation workshops planned for Southeast Alaska

    Jun 27, 2024

    University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service agent will travel by boat to nine communities in Southeast Alaska to teach classes on healthy living, food safety and food preservation. Sarah Lewis, the service’s Juneau-based health, home and family development agent, will head out on her family’s boat, the Pacific Sapphire, in July. She will visit Petersburg on July 31 – Aug. 1. Lewis will teach classes on food safety and preservation, healthy homes, and healthy eating. She will also give away free publications and test press...

  • EPA threatens to step in if Alaska does not update its water pollution limit

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Jun 13, 2024

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is prodding the state of Alaska over its failure to update water pollution rules. Last Thursday, the EPA issued a formal determination that the state should update pollution limits that are based in part on the amount of fish consumed by state residents. Under federal law, those limits are supposed to be reviewed every three years, but Alaska hasn’t updated its limits since 2003. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has been working since 2013 on an updated list of water quality s... Full story

  • Columbia out of service until end of the year

    Larry Persily|May 30, 2024

    The Alaska state ferry Columbia - which has been out of service since late November for its annual overhaul and repairs but was supposed to go back to work this summer - will be laid up until the end of the year. Extensive corrosion in the 51-year-old ship's fire suppression system is the reason for the extra time in the shipyard, Department of Transportation spokesman Sam Dapcevich said Friday, May 17. During the Columbia's extended absence, the Alaska Marine Highway System has diverted the...

  • Rep. Himschoot's education bill goes to governor

    Shannon Haugland|May 23, 2024

    Rep. Rebecca Himschoot hopes the bill she successfully ushered through the 33rd Legislature will provide school districts with effective tools to recruit and retain experienced teachers. “Districts are struggling to staff schools,” said Himschoot, whose House District 2 includes Sitka, Petersburg and dozens of small Southeast communities. “We’re trying to add more tools for districts to fill positions with the best teachers they can get,” she said. House Bill 230, sponsored by Himschoot, is an education reform package that includes elements...

  • Legislature adjourns after passing budget with $1,655 PFD and one-time $680 per-student school funding boost


    The 33rd Alaska State Legislature came to a shuddering but active end early Thursday morning as lawmakers passed the state’s annual budget and a series of high-profile bills addressing crime, climate change, the looming Cook Inlet energy crunch, and problems with the state’s correspondence education programs. “I think it was a great session,” said Speaker of the House Cathy Tilton, R-Wasilla. “We’ve taken care of energy … we were able to take care of the correspondence folks. And we had a great crime bill that we passed. So I think it was... Full story

  • Paddlers prepare for weeklong journey to Celebration

    Becca Clark, Wrangell Sentinel reporter|May 16, 2024

    On May 29, a 39-foot canoe of Wrangell paddlers will start the week-long, 150-nautical-mile journey to Juneau for Celebration, the biennial Native culture festival. This year marks the first time Wrangell will have its own canoe making the journey since 2014, signifying a return of enthusiasm for canoe culture in town. Canoes from other communities will make the journey alongside Wrangell, including Juneau, Kasaan, Metlakatla and a veterans' canoe - all beginning in Wrangell. Up to seven other...

  • In final judgment, judge blocks Alaska correspondence provisions, keeps current rules through June

    Andrew Kitchenman|May 9, 2024

    An Anchorage Superior Court judge on Thursday put on hold through the end of the school year a ruling invalidating two provisions of state law governing correspondence education. Judge Adolf Zeman issued a hold, known as a “stay,” requested by plaintiffs on a ruling he made in April, that found the state violated the Alaska Constitution by providing public funding for private schools through its allotment program. The hold will remain in effect through June 30. Along with the hold, Zeman issued a final judgment on the two provisions, ena... Full story

  • Alaska House members propose constitutional amendment to allow public money for private schools

    James Brooks|Apr 25, 2024

    After a court ruling that overturned a key part of Alaska’s education correspondence programs, members of the state Legislature have proposed a constitutional amendment that would allow public money to go to private and religious schools. House Joint Resolution 28 is scheduled for hearings Wednesday and Friday next week in the House Judiciary Committee. If approved by two-thirds of the House, two-thirds of the Senate and voters this fall, HJR 28 would remove the part of Article VII, Section 1, that says, “no money shall be paid from public fun... Full story

  • Alaska judge strikes down state's cash payments to families using correspondence school programs

    James Brooks and Claire Stremple, Alaska Beacon|Apr 18, 2024

    An Anchorage Superior Court judge on Friday struck down an Alaska law that allows the state to distribute cash payments to the parents of homeschooled students on the grounds that it violates constitutional prohibitions against spending state money on private education. “This court finds that there is no workable way to construe the statutes to allow only constitutional spending,” wrote Judge Adolf Zeman, concluding that the relevant laws “must be struck down in their entirety.” The decisio... Full story

  • Russian objection to U.S. territorial claims off Alaska complicates maritime relationship

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Apr 11, 2024

    New U.S. claims to seabed territory off Alaska have run into an obstacle: an objection from the Russian government. The Russian government, which has staked territorial claims to most of the Arctic Ocean, is challenging the U.S. claims made in December to sovereignty over 520,400 square kilometers of extended outer continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean – an area bigger than California - and another 176,330 square kilometers in the Bering Sea. The U.S. does not have the right to make such claims... Full story

  • Missteps from Alaska's education department could cost the state millions in grants, feds say

    Claire Stremple, Alaska Beacon|Apr 4, 2024

    The state government risks losing millions of dollars in federal funding because it did not comply with requirements for pandemic relief funds, according to a letter from the United States Department of Education. The state’s education department disputes the claim. The result is a federal “high risk” designation that could cost the state grant funding. Members of the Senate Majority caucus said the state could lose more than $400 million. “Without a plan and quick action, our local schools could be out additional federal resources, and the... Full story

  • Alaska House finance committee approves $7.5 million more for child care facilities

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Apr 4, 2024

    Members of the Alaska House Finance Committee revised their latest budget draft Tuesday to include more money for child care and eliminate funding for an experimental reading institute operated by the state. The committee spent most of the day Tuesday debating amendments to the state’s operating budget, an $11.3 billion document that pays for state services and Permanent Fund dividends during the 12 months that begin July 1. The committee is expected to consider additional amendments through Wednesday at least, and the budget would then a...

  • Few Alaska high school seniors have applied for federal student aid this year

    CLAIRE STREMPLE, Alaska Beacon|Apr 4, 2024

    With three months until the deadline, only 16% of Alaska high school seniors have applied for federal student aid. The funding mechanism, called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA, is an indicator of college-bound students. Alaska has the lowest rate of applicants in the nation, which has been true for at least the last decade, said Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Executive Director Sana Efrid. “The No. 1 reason we hear from students and families that they do not enroll in post-secondary programs is the c... Full story

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