Articles from the May 12, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 22 of 22

  • South Harbor dredging to begin this October

    Chris Basinger|May 12, 2022

    Following a successful bid opening, the South Harbor dredge project is gearing up toward an October start date according to Harbormaster Glo Wollen. South Harbor, which was completed by the state in 1984, has faced problems with the bottom of the harbor rising and boats going dry in stalls during certain stages of the tide, making them unusable. Wollen said that since it was completed "we've had issues of the glacial rebound occurring and also with earthquakes and different things we've noticed...

  • PHS track and field shows improvement in Juneau: Lucas breaks school record

    Chris Basinger|May 12, 2022

    2 students on the Petersburg High School track and field team competed in the Capital City Invitational last weekend which saw many on the young team get personal records in their largest meet yet. “It was just such a fun experience especially for like, again, some kids this is their first time on a track ever, first time even in the sport ever, you know, and it was so much fun, so I think overall the team did well,” Head Coach James Valentine said. Uriah Lucas took first in the 3200 meters, finishing “with absolute style” and a school...

  • PSD offers contract to new secondary school principal

    Chris Basinger|May 12, 2022

    The Petersburg School District has made a contract offer to a new secondary school principal which was approved by the school board during Tuesday's meeting. According to Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter, the district's hiring committee interviewed several candidates for the position in a shorter "streamlined" hiring process and has offered the position to Ambler Moss for the upcoming school year. Kludt-Painter said Moss brings with him over 25 years of experience in education and reported tha...

  • FY23 budget passes first reading in close vote

    Chris Basinger|May 12, 2022

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly voted in a close 4-3 vote in favor of the borough's proposed FY23 budget in its first reading during the assembly's May 2 meeting. Before the meeting, the assembly held a work session where Finance Director Jody Tow gave a presentation reviewing the budget and department heads spoke on upcoming expenditures. Tow reported that "costs have increased dramatically" throughout the borough, impacting the upcoming year's budget. New contracts with the Petersburg...

  • Yesterday's News

    May 12, 2022

    May 12, 1922 Keep your pocket books open Wednesday. The members of the Petersburg Fire Department and the school children will be holding a tag sale on Wednesday, May 17th for the benefit of the playground fund. Tag sellers will be on the streets all day and every one will be expected to pungle up a little old two bit piece for a tag. No one dare refuse to buy not only one…but as many as their pocket book will stand. The money will be used in putting the playgrounds on the hill in shape for this season for the use of the children and the b...

  • Stedman Elementary School's Stikine River trip

    May 12, 2022

  • Trident will keep Wrangell plant closed another year

    Larry Persily|May 12, 2022

    WRANGELL - Seattle-based Trident Seafoods will not open its Wrangell processing plant this summer, the third year in a row the operation has been closed. As in the past two years, the company cited weak chum salmon returns for its decision not to run the plant. Company officials did not return calls to the Sentinel last Friday or Monday. News of the plant closure was presented in Wrangell Borough Manager Jeff Good's report for Tuesday's assembly meeting: "They have notified us that they do not...

  • Complaint Department

    May 12, 2022

  • Pilot wins two Alaska Press Club awards

    May 12, 2022

    Petersburg Pilot reporter Chris Basinger won a second-place award for Best Public Safety Reporting of 2021 in the Alaska Press Club awards which were announced last month. His former boss Ron Loesch won a third-place award for Best Editorial or Commentary. Basinger's story "Perfect Storm," appeared in the December 23 edition and reported a record snowfall, power outage and broken water main that took place on a single day in Petersburg. An editorial written by Ron Loesch that appeared in the...

  • Guest Editorial

    Larry Persily|May 12, 2022

    The Legislature is working toward the largest capital budget in a long time. Municipalities are hearing “yes” instead of years of “no” to some of their public works funding requests. In addition, more state money is headed to schools. And Alaskans are likely to get a check from the state this fall more than double the amount of last year’s Permanent Fund dividend. All thanks to elevated oil prices — more than 50% higher than a year ago — and the large tax and royalty payments that are flowing to the treasury from North Slope oil producers. Lawm...

  • To the Editor

    May 12, 2022

    Making the World a Better Place To the Editor: I love people that have no idea how wonderful they are just wandering around making the world a better place. Someone out there feels better because you exist my friend. Thank you for seeing my pain and not only that, but you made me believe humanity is not lost. May you always be blessed, may your family always be blessed. Marina Leblanc and Family...

  • Police report

    May 12, 2022

    May 4 – An officer responded to a report of animal cruelty on North 14th Street. A citizen reported finding lost property on the Hammer Slough Bridge. An inoperable vehicle was reported on North Nordic and was able to be moved by morning. Jonathan Mazzella was arrested for violation of conditions of release at Papke’s Landing. Dylan Adams was booked on behalf of the Alaska State Trooper (AST) for violating conditions of release. A dog was reported lost on Lyons Road and returned to its owner. May 5 – An officer conducted a welfare check on So...

  • Court report

    May 12, 2022

    April 18: In State of Alaska v. Ariel Eiler, Magistrate Judge Rachel Newport presided over arraignment on the charge of Fugitive from Justice. Conditions of release included a $2,500 performance bond, a $2,500 appearance bond, and orders not to depart Petersburg without written permission from the court. A Bail Review Hearing took place on April 26, at which time the request was denied to change the cash bail to electronic monitoring, curfew or house arrest with an exception to come and go for work. The next hearing is scheduled for May 13....

  • SAR drills open water rescue techniques

    May 12, 2022

  • One survivor's story: How art can help others

    Jess Field|May 12, 2022

    As part of the Working Against Violence for Everyone (WAVE) anniversary celebration at the end of last month there was an anonymous art show at the Clausen Museum. This allowed artists to remain unknown, if they preferred, and gave survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence the opportunity to share powerful personal details, if they wanted, alongside their work. At the encouragement of a WAVE staff member, Karin Bagley submitted three pieces: A Step In The Right Direction, Eye Will...

  • Vikings drop home series to Ketchikan

    Chris Basinger|May 12, 2022

    The Petersburg High School baseball team went up against the Kayhi Kings in a home series last weekend but lost all three games against the tough opposition. "They're just a really good team and I can't say enough about the program, they've historically been a really good team for years and they do everything the right way," Head Coach Jim Engell said of the visitors. The Kings took a mercy rule victory in the first game Friday night, beating Petersburg 10-0 after five innings. Lathum Johnson...

  • VSC swimmers wrap up season at Junior Olympics

    Chris Basinger|May 12, 2022

    The Viking Swim Club ended its season with five swimmers attending the Alaska Junior Olympics meet in Anchorage from April 21-24. Tori Miller, Lexie Tow, Logan Tow, Brooklyn Whitethorn, and Lucia Worhatch each competed in multiple events at the competition after meeting the challenging time standards required to race in their final meet of the year. Miller finished first in the 50 fly and third in the 100 fly. "Just making it to the meet is an accomplishment in and of itself and then making it...

  • Worker shortage 'is real,' says state labor economist

    Larry Persily|May 12, 2022

    WRANGELL — Anyone who wants to get a pizza midweek at the Marine Bar or a steak or burger at the Elks Lodge knows that worker shortages have forced employers to reduce their days and cut back on offerings. “This worker shortage is real, and it’s not going away anytime soon,” Dan Robinson, research chief at the Alaska Department of Labor, told legislators last month. “For nine years in a row, more people have left the state than have come here,” he told the Senate Finance Committee. The population has been stable as births have outpaced de...

  • Tidal Network internet tower delivery delayed

    Sarah Aslam|May 12, 2022

    WRANGELL — A pair of mobile towers on wheels that were anticipated to arrive this month in Wrangell for a pilot broadband network have been delayed until around September. Chris Cropley, network architect at Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, said delivery is 16 to 18 weeks out. One of the components for the towers got “kicked out” of the global supply chain, Cropley said May 4. The delayed order which Cropley placed in early February for the two mobile cell towers on wheels come from Pierson Wireless in Omaha, Ne...

  • Obituary: Lois DeBoer August 26th, 1935 - May 4th, 2022

    May 12, 2022

    Our mother, Lois Ellen was born on August 26th, 1935 in Mandan, North Dakota to Alice and Carl Schiller. Growing up on a family farm, following the Great Depression, were challenging times in the rural Midwest: no electricity, running water or phone service. Mom could recall meager living with no money for holiday celebrations or frivolous gifts. A favorite memory was a ballpoint pen given to her when she was learning to write. Education was extremely important to her father, and he impressed... Full story

  • Legislation would allow online raffle sales to continue

    Larry Persily|May 12, 2022

    Unless the Legislature acts, Alaska nonprofits will have to stop selling raffle tickets online June 30. The state has allowed online sales by registered nonprofits since early summer 2020, as the pandemic shut down or made difficult group events and in-person ticket sales. Temporary legislation allowing charitable groups to sell and draw winning tickets online expires in less than two months, though a bill under consideration would make the provision permanent. The legislation “will modernize Alaska’s charitable gaming program,” Deb Moore, exec...

  • Quitslund and Hayes to wed

    May 12, 2022

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