Articles from the September 11, 2014 edition

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  • SEAPA approves rebates, Whitman Lake agreement

    Mary Koppes|Sep 11, 2014

    At their regular board meeting last week in Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) approved rebates to member utilities, discussed the progress of the Swan Lake expansion project and approved the Whitman Lake True Up Agreement. “We did approve a rebate to the member utilities based on last year’s financial performance,” said Joe Nelson, Petersburg Municipal Power and Light (PMPL) superintendent. SEAPA Secretary and Treasurer Andy Donato said SEAPA saw record revenues last year, with 183 million kilowatt hours produced for its membe... Full story

  • Humane Association working to build stand-alone shelter

    Mary Koppes|Sep 11, 2014

    The Petersburg Humane Association (PHA) is doing a big push to raise funds for its first stand-alone animal shelter. The organization was established 15 years ago in Petersburg to shelter stray cats and dogs and find permanent homes for them. They also provide scholarships to help offset the cost of spaying and neutering and work to educate the public on issues related to companion animals. To date the PHA and its volunteers have been sheltering homeless cats (and more rarely dogs) in makeshift... Full story

  • H&W remodel makes way for more organics

    Mary Koppes|Sep 11, 2014

    The Hammer and Wikan grocery store is undergoing a remodel that will open up the front of the store and add more organic produce and natural and Asian food products. General Manager Larry Martin said that the remodel is a continuation of work they did last year at the store. "This is basically an extension of last year when we came in and replaced all the refrigeration in the store," Martin said. "What we're doing now is finishing the center store (dry goods). We're also adding another 12-foot... Full story

  • Season opener at home

    Sep 11, 2014

  • Yesterday's News

    Sep 11, 2014

    September 12, 1914 – The Petersburg school began the term last Tuesday with a full attendance. Forty-eight pupils were enrolled, approximately ten more than attended last year. The addition of Miss. Edna Miller on the staff of teachers, is a great help and both Miss Mitchell and Miss Blyth express much satisfaction at the new order of things. September 8, 1939 – At the first meeting of the month Tuesday the City Council passed the new ordinance fixing a license fee on automatic amusements games. A fee of $50 a year was established by the cou...

  • 2014 Tongass Rainforest Festival

    Sep 11, 2014

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 11, 2014

    Let your voice be hard To the Editor: I’m writing to remind people who are concerned about the proposed Kake-to-Petersburg road that the comments deadline for this stage of the process is September 30th. There are a number of reasons City of Kupreanof residents don’t want a road that might actually violate our local ordinance and ingress into our community, but we believe residents on the other side of the Narrows ought to be concerned, too. The waterfront opposite Petersburg would be forever altered. State roads are not skinny little tra...

  • School officials advise parents on head lice, one case reported

    Mary Koppes|Sep 11, 2014

    A case of head lice was reported at the elementary school last week. “It is likely that this is an isolated incident,” Elementary School Principal Erica Kludt Painter said in a districtwide email. Kludt Painter asked parents to do their part to prevent the spread of lice by checking their children daily for the next few weeks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head lice, “are found almost exclusively on the scalp, particularly around and behind the ears and near the neckline at the back of the head.” The CDC adv...

  • Police reports

    Sep 11, 2014

    September 3 An officer spoke with an individual concerning a possible assault. Police arrested Paul E. Haisler, 22, on a charge of Criminal Trespass. In a traffic stop, an officer issued a warning for a passing violation and lights not being illuminated. September 4 A caller reported an individual lying on the sidewalk. An officer found the individual who got up and walked home. A warning was issued for license status and speed during a traffic stop. Police responded to a request for a welfare check on an individual. The individual exhibited...

  • Courts

    Sep 11, 2014

    September 4 Paul Haisler appeared before Magistrate Judge Mary Kay Havens in an arraignment for charges of Assault in the 4th Degree and Criminal Trespass in the 2nd Degree. The court entered a Not Guilty plea on the defendant’s behalf and a public defender was appointed. A trial was set for Nov. 12 at 3:30 p.m. The defendant must adhere to the following conditions of release for both charges: Appear for all court hearings, not violate any laws, must not consume alcohol or be on the premises where alcohol is the primary item for sale, no c...

  • 16-year-old to face three possible assault charges

    Sep 11, 2014

    Police will pursue three assault charges against a 16-year-old Petersburg juvenile following an investigation of a reported altercation between the juvenile and an 18-year-old Petersburg resident Tuesday evening. “The victim reported being struck several times with a handgun and further that the suspect fired 1-3 rounds in his direction during the altercation,” according to a press release issued by Police Chief Kelly Swihart. “The victim sustained injuries that were consistent with his statement. Witnesses also confirmed the victim’s account...

  • Vikings cross country runners take second in Metlakatla

    Orin Pierson|Sep 11, 2014

    Petersburg Vikings Cross Country teams, both the boys and girls, took second place at Saturday's Metlakatla Invitational. Ketchikan took first at the 1A/2A/3A meet. Other teams competing included Wrangell, Metlakatla, Thorne Bay, Klawock, Hydaburg and Craig. Thorne Bay's Taylee Nyquest was the first place girl with a time of 18:36; Chris Lanos, of Ketchikan, took first among the boys with a 17:13 race. Six Petersburg boys and six girls traveled to Metlakatla for the meet, and of those 12...

  • Rain Game Classic is back

    Suzanne Ashe Special to the Pilot|Sep 11, 2014

    Rain Game Classic just kicked off. The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce 50/50 contest lets residents guess how much precipitation will fall this year. The past rainfall amounts have been 110.19 in 2013, 108.82 in 2012 and 125.52 in 2011. An average over the past six years has been 110.82. The way the contest works is participants buy as many tickets as they would like for $2 each and guess the amount of total rainfall. If there are multiple correct answers, the payout goes to the first ticket purchased. The winner, with the closest guess,...

  • Correction:

    Sep 11, 2014

    In the August 14 issue of the Pilot it was erroneously stated that For the next 10 to 15 years, the newly formed Tongass National Forest Advisory Committee (TAC), under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture, will advise the U.S. Forest Service's (USFS) timber sale management program in the transition from old-growth to new-growth timber management. In fact, the committee will advise the timber sale management program for the next two years and the transition itself will take 10-15 years....

  • Volleyball Vikings keep Juneau-Douglas on their toes

    Mary Koppes|Sep 11, 2014

    Petersburg High School's volleyball girls continued to hone their skills against 4A Juneau-Douglas at home last Friday and Saturday. After losing two star varsity players from last year, Kylie Wallace and Kyla Willis, and graduating two seniors, the Vikings have been working to fill those roles through vigorous practice. The varsity team lost in three games to Juneau-Douglas on Friday night, though two of those games ended with the Vikings within three points, 22-25. The other game finished at...

  • Thomas Bay Power Commission reviews its role

    mary koppes and Dan Rudy|Sep 11, 2014

    Petersburg and Wrangell's representative of the Thomas Bay Power Commission (TBPC) met Tuesday morning via teleconference to discuss the commission's future role. The TPBC is the acting body for the Thomas Bay Power Authority (TBPA) that was responsible for the operations and maintenance (O&M) of the Tyee Hydroelectric Plant, providing power to Wrangell and Petersburg. Last May the Petersburg Assembly voted not to fund its share of a portion of the TBPA's budget, called the non-net billable, after discussions about whether or not the agency...

  • AMHS seeks public review of summer 2015 schedule

    Sep 11, 2014

    The proposed Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) schedule for the summer 2015 season is now available for public review and comments. The schedule can be viewed online at amhs/share/schedule/considerations.pdf. Comments on the proposed scheduled are due by Sept. 23 and may be submitted via email and by fax at 907-586-8365. Those interested may also participate in a teleconference where AMHS will hear comments and consider adjustments. The teleconference is scheduled for Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. and...

  • Obituary, Martha Louise Reid, age 90

    Sep 11, 2014

    Martha Louise Reid was born on December 6, 1923 in Bellingham, Washington. She was the 1st of six children born to Petersburg, Alaska residents Edgar (Ted) and Caroline Hungerford. Martha passed away, at the age of 90, on August 21, 2014 in Sitka following a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Caroline and baby Martha returned to their home town of Petersburg from Bellingham in the spring of 1924. They joined Martha's father, Ted, and logging partners, Bill and Elvina Stedman with infant son... Full story

  • Obituary, Michael J. "Carpie" Carpenter

    Sep 11, 2014

    Michael J. “Carpie” Carpenter, 59, passed from this life on August 19, 2014 at his home on Kupreanof Island, outside of Petersburg, Alaska. Mike was born on February 26, 1955 in Topeka, Kan. He graduated from Hayden High School in 1973 and attended Washburn University. Mike earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scout organization, sparking his life long love of the outdoors. In the mid 1970s, Mike and a group of his friends made a trek to Petersburg, to try their luck at fishing. The other “Kansas boys” eventually left, but “Carpie... Full story

  • Fish Factor: Senate candidate bows out of fisheries debate

    Laine Welch|Sep 11, 2014

    “Surprised and disappointed” was the reaction by Senator Mark Begich upon learning that his opponent Dan Sullivan has bowed out of an October 1 fisheries debate in Kodiak. It is the second time this year that Sullivan has declined to participate in the Chamber of Commerce event that has been an election year tradition since 1990. “I can’t recall a time that a candidate has not participated in the Kodiak debate,” Begich said as he readied to head back to DC on Friday. “It’s a must do for statewide candidates. It’s not an option. It’s clear he do...

  • Vikings dominate first home swim meet

    Orin Pierson|Sep 11, 2014

    Vikings Swim and Dive team started the season with a home meet, hosting Thunder Mountain and Sitka over the weekend. "We had a really good meet. Our kids raced really well all the way around," said Vikings Head Coach Andy Carlisle. The Petersburg boys team took first place both Friday and Saturday night. Individually the girls did really well, but there aren't enough of them to pull off a team win, according to Carlisle. For a smaller meet there was some top notch competing in a number of...

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