Articles from the July 28, 2022 edition

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  • Running up that hill

    Jul 28, 2022

  • 'Test yourself and you'll eventually make it'

    Jonson Kuhn and Chris Basinger, Juneau Empire writer and Pilot writer|Jul 28, 2022

    Words of advice have been running through Joseph Tagaban's mind ever since meeting his NBA idol Klay Thompson of the Golden State Warriors. "Take small little steps, test yourself and you'll eventually make it," the five-time NBA All-Star and four-time champion told the 15-year-old boy from Petersburg. The advice takes on new meaning since Tagaban recently found out that his fight with cancer is not over as was previously thought. What started as a routine checkup in Seattle last week... Full story

  • Summer Dungeness crab season cut short

    Chris Basinger|Jul 28, 2022

    This summer's commercial Dungeness crab fishery in Southeast was cut short by about two weeks due to low harvest projections and is set to end this Saturday according to Joe Stratman, a shellfish biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The season length is determined by a full season harvest estimate based on pounds landed and permits fished during the first week of the current season along with what percentage of the previous season's total harvest was taken within the first week...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jul 28, 2022

    July 28, 1922 Candy Men Spend Day Southbound – The steamer Spokane, with a Confectioners Convention on board, was in Petersburg from early Monday morning until late that night. During the evening a ball game was played between the team on board and the town boys which resulted in a 12 to 3 score for the locals. In the evening a dance was enjoyed at the Pioneers Hall. The Spokane arrived at an early morning hour and landed at the Mitkof Cannery where several thousand cases of salmon were loaded. The visitors on board had ample opportunity to i...

  • Candidacy filing window opens for municipal election

    Chris Basinger|Jul 28, 2022

    The window to file for candidacy in this year's municipal election opened on Tuesday. According to Borough Clerk Debbie Thompson, this year's election will look similar to previous years' except for the voting location, which will be moved from the gym to the community center's activity room so it does not conflict with the school's use of the space. The municipal election will be held on October 4 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the activity room while absentee voting will run from September 14 to...

  • To the Editor

    Jul 28, 2022

    Ferries and politicians don’t blend To the Editor: Buying the two fast ferries was a horrible mistake and has made no common sense; the politicians were determined to have their way. They have shown their arrogance, lack of common sense, incompetence, and are simply impossible to embarrass. The union strike of the Columbia broke the back of the Alaska Marine Highway system and the politicians applauded the union on their success. Going on three years with no Columbia; and the AMHS has no answer other than excuses. One solution would be new m...

  • Guest Editorial

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel Publisher|Jul 28, 2022

    Inflation smacks drivers in the wallet when they fill up the tank, punches shoppers in the stomach when they load up a grocery cart, and brings travelers down to Earth when they want to buy an airline ticket. The public complains loudly about rising prices that escalate without limits. Why then so quiet about unlimited contributions to political campaigns — it’s just as harmful to democracy as inflation. Maybe even more so. Inflation eventually will come down. Campaign donation limits will only come back when the Legislature and governor tak...

  • Lighthouse Keepers Corner

    Pat and John Gans, 2022 Keepers Five Finger Lighthouse|Jul 28, 2022

    Today a videographer asked me, "What is it you like about being out here?" Her big camera lens silently recording me as I mumbled something about liking the eagles and the whales, the constant impact of the ocean surging around me and, of course, the lighthouse. "What about the lighthouse?" She prodded. Good question. What is it about this lighthouse-Five Finger Light? I had never really thought about it very consciously, but the lens was still staring blankly at me so I pensively replied, "...

  • Police report

    Jul 28, 2022

    July 20 – A citizen reported lost property on North Nordic Drive. A driver was issued a warning for an expired registration on Fram and North 4th Streets. An officer assisted a citizen on Odin Street. July 21 – A driver was issued a warning for excessive speed on Wesley and South Nordic Drive. A citizen reported litter dumped on Cabin Creek Road. An officer spoke with individuals on Koenigs Lane concerning a civil issue. Property found on North Nordic Drive was returned to its owner. An alarm activated on North Second Street. The business own...

  • Bears are back in town

    Jul 28, 2022

  • Did a wild wolf breed with a domestic dog?

    Max Graham, Chilkat Valley News|Jul 28, 2022

    HAINES-Not every day does a wild wolf mate with a domestic dog. But a handful of local puppies born in February might be the product of such an occurrence, which biologists say is rare but not impossible. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) is investigating at least nine pups born at 35 Mile Haines Highway that might be wolfdogs, which are illegal to breed or possess in Alaska. "Somebody contacted me and said they were under the impression there were some dogs running loose in an area...

  • Almost 1 in 5 state jobs are vacant as hiring struggle gets worse

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon writer|Jul 28, 2022

    The top employees of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. are some of the highest-paid public workers in Alaska, but with wages rising across the country and employers competing for skilled labor, even the $80 billion Permanent Fund is struggling to keep employees from leaving. Nine of the corporation’s 66 employees have quit this year, including the manager of the corporation’s highest-earning investments and the entire three-person team in charge of finalizing trades. Seven other positions are new, and filling them is expected to be dif... Full story

  • New law could lead to shellfish hatcheries in Alaska

    Ceri Godinez|Jul 28, 2022

    Shellfish hatcheries could be in Alaska's future, under legislation recently signed into law. The measure allows the Department of Fish and Game to manage shellfish enhancement and restoration projects. Restoration projects are designed to bring a struggling stock back to a self-sustaining level, while enhancement projects would boost the stock to allow for commercial harvest. The new laws give the department another tool to address declining shellfish stock, such as red and blue king crab, sea...

  • South Harbor dredging schedule to be decided at August meeting

    Chris Basinger|Jul 28, 2022

    A pre-construction conference scheduled for August 2 is set to determine when work on the South Harbor dredge project will begin according to Harbormaster Glo Wollen. The project seeks to dredge an estimated 83,000 cubic yards of material from South Harbor and dig a deeper basin to make stalls more accessible during all stages of the tide. It has received funding from both the borough and the federal government and will be a collaboration between the borough, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, an...

  • Alaskan candidates to debate fisheries in Kodiak

    Jul 28, 2022

    The Kodiak Chamber of Commerce will host debates focused on Alaskan fisheries this October featuring candidates running for the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the Alaska governorship. Kodiak has hosted fisheries debates for over thirty years and the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce’s Debate Committee will be reaching out to the public and representatives from the seafood industry for questions and topics to discuss. The debates will be held in-person in Kodiak and will be live streamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. They will also b...