(680) stories found containing 'Petersburg School Board'

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  • Obituary

    Apr 7, 2022

    Patti was presented as a Christmas gift to her three brothers Bob, Dave and Jim. She was born in Vancouver, B.C. and came home to Petersburg in December with her parents Loyla and Earl Ohmer. Her childhood was a happy one. She traveled to many states visiting family and friends with her mother. Summers were spent at Bum's Retreat near Green Rocks. Her father Earl would join the family there on weekends bringing the mail and groceries from town. Her first business venture at age 12 involved... Full story

  • PHS baseball takes to the field

    Chris Basinger|Mar 31, 2022

    To some people springtime means the start of outdoor projects, tending to the garden, or doing some overdue house cleaning, but to one group of Petersburg High School students it can only mean one thing-time for baseball. The team has been hard at work for the past month preparing for the upcoming season, not on fresh-cut green grass or turf but on the gravel field they call home. Jim Engell is returning for his 15th year as the head coach of the Vikings and is joined by Ethan Bryner, a former...

  • School board approves optional masking

    Chris Basinger|Mar 10, 2022

    The Petersburg School Board unanimously approved a move to optional masking in all buildings during its board meeting Tuesday night as case counts decrease and vaccinations and tests become more accessible. The new protocols will be implemented when staff and students return from spring break on March 21 and while masking will be optional, all other mitigation strategies including quarantine and testing protocols will remain in place. The Petersburg School District has required universal...

  • Paying for childcare

    Jess Field, Pilot writer|Mar 10, 2022

    There were multiple accounts with outstanding balances when Sharlay Mamoe took over as director of the Petersburg Children's Center. A board member suggested writing letters to the people. Payments began coming back almost immediately, often with apologies. Those balances attest to the difficulty families face when it comes to paying for childcare. If a couple or a single parent cannot afford the rates at PCC, Mamoe will grab an application for the state-funded Child Care Assistance Program... Full story

  • Harbor rates increase passes second reading

    Chris Basinger|Mar 10, 2022

    An ordinance which would increase rates at Petersburg's municipal harbors was unanimously approved by the Petersburg Borough Assembly in its second reading during Monday's meeting. Ordinance #2022-03, which also passed unanimously in its first reading, would be the first rate increase since 2018 and would increase harbor moorage fees by around 5% among other changes. The ordinance also has the support of the Harbor and Ports Advisory Board and Harbormaster Glo Wollen who said the increase is...

  • Obituary: Roy Otness July 29, 1928 - February 14, 2022

    Feb 24, 2022

    Lifelong Petersburg resident, fisherman, educator, and line cook, Roy Otness passed away at age 93 Monday, February 14th at Mountain View Manor. The 5th of 6 children, Roy was born in his parent's home on Front Street (N. Nordic Dr.) on July 29th, 1928 along with his twin brother, Ralph. Roy was born second and when he arrived, he wasn't breathing. The doctor told the nurse to "Just leave him. This poor woman has enough children!" but the nurse disobeyed the doctor and gave him mouth to mouth... Full story

  • Parks and Recreation passes given to board members and child care staff

    Chris Basinger|Feb 17, 2022

    Parks and Recreation has distributed community center membership passes to borough board members and to the staff of nonprofit child care providers as a way to thank them for their service to the community. The idea to give passes to board members was suggested to Parks and Recreation Director Stephanie Payne who said it could serve as a way for the borough to show its appreciation for the service people provide by serving on those boards. She discussed it with Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht w...

  • School board approves 2022-2023 calendar

    Chris Basinger|Feb 17, 2022

    The Petersburg School Board unanimously approved the calendar for the 2022-2023 school year during its meeting on February 8. The 2022-2023 calendar greatly resembles this year’s calendar and can be viewed on the Petersburg School District website. “We took the feedback that we have received throughout the year related to in-service dates and conferences and vacations and all those things and it is very similar overall,” Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter said. The first day of the next school year will be on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 and the l...

  • School board eases COVID-19 mitigation plan

    Chris Basinger|Feb 10, 2022

    The Petersburg School Board voted unanimously to amend its COVID-19 mitigation plan Tuesday night which now allows for limited optional masking in yellow status depending on cases within each building. Some parents and teachers spoke at the beginning of the meeting against the continuation of the mitigation plan approved in January, which required universal masking and had no provisions for optional masking, saying universal masking was counterproductive and inhibited learning. During last...

  • Yesterday's News

    Feb 3, 2022

    February 3, 1922 Johnas Olson, well known store man and former general manager of the American mail and passenger route, has been chosen as manager of the store of the Trading Union by the Board of Directors and took charge last Wednesday. Mr Olson is relieving C. E. Swanson who resigned recently to engage in business for himself, but what line of business has not been announced yet. Mr. Olson has been a resident of Petersburg for many years and is one of the best known men among the fishing fleet of this section. He for some time was commander...

  • Middle school robotics gears up for state tournament

    Chris Basinger|Jan 27, 2022

    The Mitkof Middle School robotics team is making their final preparations for the upcoming robotics state tournament after placing first in the innovative project category at the regional competition in December. The team claimed first after wowing the judges with their concept to streamline loading and unloading at the Alaska Marine Lines facility in Petersburg. The students first got the idea of doing their project with AML after Kurt Kivisto gave them a tour of AML's local warehouses and...

  • To the Editor

    Jan 27, 2022

    A well deserved recognition To the Editor, This letter is recognition of Sammy Parker and Lee Newton who announced the retirement of Petersburg Business Services in last week’s Pilot. I’m proud to have been a regular customer at your Beech Boy hamburger joint in the 1970’s, when your Big Boy burger, large fries and cola were under 2 bucks, to have worked with Lee at the barite mine in Duncan Canal and enjoyed Sammy’s wonderful cooking for the hungry 20+ crew of miners. Thank you for your time as chef at Mountain View Manor, and for 50 years o...

  • School board votes to keep universal masking

    Chris Basinger|Jan 20, 2022

    The Petersburg School Board voted to continue universal masking throughout the district as part of its COVID-19 mitigation plan Tuesday night. At the beginning of Tuesday's meeting, teachers and parents spoke to the board both in support and against the continuation of universal masking. Those who supported universal masking cited the high number of positive cases nationwide with the spread of the highly infectious omicron variant and their belief that remote learning is more harmful to...

  • SHARE Coalition hosts Community Café on child care in Petersburg

    Chris Basinger|Jan 20, 2022

    The Supporting Health Awareness and Resiliency Education (SHARE) Coalition hosted a Community Café Saturday afternoon on Zoom which centered on the future of child care in Petersburg. The meeting gave members of the community, including representatives from the Petersburg Borough Assembly, Petersburg Medical Center, and the Petersburg School Board, an opportunity to hear about the challenges facing local child care providers and to discuss ways to support children, providers, and parents who...

  • Active COVID-19 cases stand at 20

    Chris Basinger|Jan 20, 2022

    The Petersburg Medical Center's COVID-19 Dashboard reported 20 active cases Wednesday evening and a positivity rate of 24.7% during the previous week. The Petersburg School District reported one case at each school among staff and students Wednesday. PSD is no longer posting the number of people in quarantine. The Petersburg School Board also voted to continue universal masking at all schools during its board meeting Tuesday night. According to the Alaska Department of Health and Social...

  • Assembly invites speakers to ARPA work session

    Chris Basinger|Jan 20, 2022

    The Petersburg Borough Assembly presented a draft agenda of its upcoming American Rescue Plan Act funding work session and discussed the items it included during Tuesday's meeting. The assembly is hosting the work session to give members an opportunity to discuss opportunities to allocate their ARPA funds and determine what local organizations or groups are in need of relief. The borough was awarded with $634,382 in ARPA funds that must be obligated by December 31, 2024 and expended by December...

  • Yesterday's News

    Jan 13, 2022

    January 13 , 1922 The Petersburg Hospital is now for all intents and purposes the property of the Town of Petersburg; At the council meeting recently an escrow agreement was presented to the Council and signed by that body, as well as by the Board of Directors of the Hospital Association. The agreement was to the effect that the town should take over the hospital, pay the indebtedness, collect outstanding bills, and should operate and maintain the same as a hospital, or maintain some other building as a hospital within the city. As soon as the...

  • School board debates changes to mitigation plan

    Chris Basinger|Jan 13, 2022

    The Petersburg School Board held a work session Tuesday night to discuss potential changes to the district's COVID-19 mitigation protocols before its next regular meeting. While no action was taken at the over two-and-a-half-hour work session, it gave the board members an opportunity to prepare for action at the next board meeting and hear from experts about current guidelines and the state of the pandemic. The work session was originally scheduled for January 4 but was postponed due to flight...

  • School board work session delayed

    Chris Basinger|Jan 6, 2022

    A Petersburg School Board work session set for Tuesday was pushed to January 6 at 6 p.m. because of flight delays and snow conditions according to an announcement from the Petersburg School District. The meeting’s purpose is to hold a discussion on the district’s COVID-19 Mitigation Plan before the board’s next meeting on January 11. Topics of discussion will include masking, the trialing of the test to stay protocol, and potential changes to the plan. Though there will be no public comments, board members can invite people to speak durin...

  • 2021: Year in Review

    Chris Basinger|Dec 30, 2021

    January The assembly approved of a COVID-19 dashboard which tracked cases in the community. Local businesses received a total of $15.08 million in aid in the first round of COVID-19 aid released through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. PMC vaccinated approximately 350 residents aged 65 or older at a vaccine drive in the community gym. PMC was given permission by the borough to apply for a second PPP loan totaling $1.8 million. PMC applied and received a loan of...

  • School Board could change COVID-19 mitigation plan in future work session

    Chris Basinger|Dec 16, 2021

    The Petersburg School Board held a discussion on the district's current COVID-19 protocols during Tuesday's meeting and agreed to hold a work session on potential changes in January. The district has required universal masking for the majority of the year due to continued COVID-19 outbreaks both in the district and in the community. The district began the school year with two weeks of universal masking as part of its reopening plan and the board later amended the plan during its September...

  • PSD to trial test to stay protocol

    Nov 25, 2021

    The Petersburg School District updated its testing protocols Friday, Nov. 26 to allow students identified as close contacts at the school to continue attending in person classes according to an announcement from Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter. Changes were made to the COVID-19 guidelines after a firmware update from the CUE molecular test manufacturer caused performance irregularities. According to the announcement, the district will be suspending CUE tests and introducing new quarantine...

  • Elementary and middle schools move to remote learning

    Chris Basinger|Nov 18, 2021

    Stedman Elementary School and Mitkof Middle school transitioned to remote learning this week due to the rise in COVID-19 cases according to Superintendent Erica Kludt-Painter. The elementary school started online instruction on Tuesday while the middle school moved online on Thursday. Kludt-Painter wrote in her announcement that the district is experiencing multiple staffing issues as Petersburg continues to see high community spread. Contact tracing efforts within the district are also being...

  • School Board accepts FY21 audit

    Nov 18, 2021

    The Petersburg School Board met virtually for its regular meeting on November 9 where members listened to a presentation on the audit for the year ending June 30, 2021. Bikky Shrestha from BDO USA, LLP presented a summary of the company’s findings to the board including the financial data from FY21. According to Shrestha, BDO conducted the entire audit remotely and Shrestha was the only person who was able to come to Petersburg. Apart from a couple of issues on the financial statements, Shrestha said, “the majority of the audit went really smo...

  • PHS volleyball closes season at regional championship

    Chris Basinger|Nov 18, 2021

    The Petersburg High School volleyball team traveled to Haines last weekend to compete in the Alaska School Activities Association Region V Tournament. Before arriving in Haines, the tournament was put in jeopardy after the ferry M/V LeConte experienced icing conditions in Lynn Canal, forcing the vessel to return to Juneau and delaying the arrival of the five teams on board. Head Coach Jaime Cabral said contingency plans were made if the tournament had to be moved to Juneau, but after some larger items were taken off the ferry, it was able to co...

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